Tuesday, March 3, 2009

New bird of the day

Saw about 4 redwinged blackbirds for the first time yesterday. I'll try to get a picture up later.

Spotting a family of red-tailed hawks while riding at my farm

Spotting a family of red-tailed hawks while riding at my farm

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Martha posted this on her website today. I may not have as fancy a camera as her, but I think my flying picture might be a little better than hers. I still love ya Martha.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Red Tailed Hawk

A Red Tailed Hawk sitting in a tree in my yard. He had been hanging around all morning, got chased off by the crows a couple of times. I went outside and saw him in the tree. He let me get pretty close to him until he decided to fly off.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Bluejays like peanuts

I put out a bowl of peanuts, and the bluejays showed up.
I counted at least 3 bluejays at one time, but there could have been more, they didn't stick around long.

They would grab a peanut and take off with it, but be back quickly for more.

A cardinal showed up to get some safflower seed I had also put in the bowl.
And a house finch.

Birds so far

Some nonbreeding goldfinches. We also had another type of finch, but I don't remember their name right now.

Some starlings showed up last week, we quickly grew to hate them. They are very mean to the other birds (and each other). And they don't share very well.
This is a hawk in a tree out back, don't remember which one. We've seen red tailed, sharp shinned and Cooper's.
A woodpecker, not a good picture. We've seen red bellied, hairy and downy, and Travis saw a flicker. I'm hoping to get a pilated in.

I put a birdfeeder out in a tree at the beginning of the year, that has now turned into 5 birdfeeders and a bowl. We bought a birdbook and have started identifying the birds. Here's some pictures I've gotten so far. I don't have pictures of everything. Two days ago I was watching a red tailed hawk across the field, and a sharp shinned hawk flew into the tree right by my window (I call it birdtree). I didn't have my camera, so no picture. And yesterday Travis saw two red tailed hawks grap talons in the air, apparently some pre-mating courtship ritual. A couple of nights ago we saw a barred owl at dusk.